Arizona Charlies Decatur

Las Vegas, NV 89107

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About this property

Across a parking lot from the Charleston Heights Shopping Center, this relaxed casino hotel is 6 miles from the Las Vegas Strip and 7 miles from McCarran International Airport.

Straightforward rooms offer cable TV, Wi-Fi and desks. Upgraded rooms add minifridges and coffeemakers.

Dining options consist of a steakhouse, a buffet restaurant and multiple...

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About this property

Arizona Charlies Decatur
Las Vegas, NV 89107

Across a parking lot from the Charleston Heights Shopping Center, this relaxed casino hotel is 6 miles from the Las Vegas Strip and 7 miles from McCarran International Airport.

Straightforward rooms offer cable TV, Wi-Fi and desks. Upgraded rooms add minifridges and coffeemakers.

Dining options consist of a steakhouse, a buffet restaurant and multiple fast-food eateries. Other amenities include a 24-hour casino, a seasonal outdoor pool and 3 bars, including a bar with live entertainment and big-screen sports.


Hotel Services
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Express check-in
  • Children welcome
  • Concierge desk
  • Free high speed internet connection
  • WiFi
  • Adjoining rooms
  • Express check-out
  • Casino
  • Bell staff/porter
  • Internet services


Accessibility Facilities
  • Complies with Local/State/Federal laws for disabled
  • Wide corridors
  • Wide entrance

Safety Features

Safety Amenities
  • Complies with Local/State/Federal fire laws
  • Uniformed security
  • U.S. Fire Safety compliant
  • Fire detectors in public areas
  • Video cameras in public areas

Meeting Facilities

Business Amenities
  • Business center
  • Meeting facilities

Address: Las Vegas, NV 89107
0 night 0
Service fee 0
Additional Guest Fee 0
Security Fee 0
Cleaning Fee 0
I.V.A Tax 0
Accommodation Tax 0
Discount 0
Total 0

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