Studio 6 Tucson Irvington Rd

4950 S Outlet Center Dr, Tucson, AZ 85706

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About this property

Number of meeting rooms - 0 No service charges Total tax - 16.75pct Ex 5.00usd ra-rc 10.00usd cr n-a

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Popular amenities

  • Elevators

  • Laundry/Valet service

  • Outdoor pool

  • Parking

  • Children welcome

  • Meal plan available

  • Pets allowed

  • Complies with Local/State/Federal laws for disabled

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About this property

Studio 6 Tucson Irvington Rd
4950 S Outlet Center Dr, Tucson, AZ 85706

Number of meeting rooms - 0 No service charges Total tax - 16.75pct Ex 5.00usd ra-rc 10.00usd cr n-a


Hotel Services
  • Elevators
  • Outdoor pool
  • Children welcome
  • Pets allowed
  • Laundry/Valet service
  • Parking
  • Meal plan available


Accessibility Facilities
  • Complies with Local/State/Federal laws for disabled
  • Handicapped parking
  • Public areas wheelchair accessible for disabled

Safety Features

Safety Amenities
  • Complies with Local/State/Federal fire laws
  • Room access through exterior corridor
  • Video cameras in public areas
  • Fire detectors in public areas
  • Smoke detector in public areas

Address: 4950 S Outlet Center Dr, Tucson, AZ 85706
0 night 0
Service fee 0
Additional Guest Fee 0
Security Fee 0
Cleaning Fee 0
I.V.A Tax 0
Accommodation Tax 0
Discount 0
Total 0

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