The Dorset Inn Vermont

8 Church St, Dorset, VT 05251

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The Dorset Inn is a historic and charming inn located in the postcard-perfect town of Dorset, Vermont. Established in 1796, the inn features beautifully appointed guest rooms, many with fireplaces, jetted tubs, and four-poster beds. The on-site restaurant offers farm-to-table cuisine in an e

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About this property

The Dorset Inn Vermont
8 Church St, Dorset, VT 05251

The Dorset Inn is a historic and charming inn located in the postcard-perfect town of Dorset, Vermont. Established in 1796, the inn features beautifully appointed guest rooms, many with fireplaces, jetted tubs, and four-poster beds. The on-site restaurant offers farm-to-table cuisine in an e legant yet casual setting, and the tavern serves up craft cocktails and local brews. The Dorset Inn is a popular venue for weddings and events, with intimate indoor and outdoor spaces. The inn is nestled in a mountain valley and is a short drive from popular ski resorts and hiking trails.

Address: 8 Church St, Dorset, VT 05251
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